Author - Unexplored Network


"I personally think one of the main things I can take away from living in a multicultural society is how similar we all are."


"Tall poppy syndrome has become the driving force behind my message that when we uplift others, we uplift ourselves. Similarly, when we hinder others, we hinder...


"I am passionate about creating art. I generally paint as a way of meditating, unwinding, expressing my thoughts/emotions and getting my message across."


"Therefore, my childhood friends, they set the foundation for how I am with others – accepting, inclusive and non-judgemental."


"I enjoy walking around Melbourne and the surrounding suburbs where I live and hearing people speak different languages, wearing different types of cultural attire and...

The state of mind

"Mental illness is quite common, with a significant number of Australian inhabitants developing a mental illness at some stage in their lives."


"Australia is hands down the best country in the world, Melbourne being the best city in my opinion."

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